Find out if our risk-free system can recover
millions of dollars for you
We have helped many airlines around the world who operate both Airbus and Boeing aircraft recover millions in warranty claims. We are ready and willing to assist your operation as well.

Forged from former fleet chiefs, warranty system architects and an IT specialist, our team at Air Warranty is a powerhouse of engineering, warranty, and contract expertise. We are driven by a single goal: to help airlines recover more warranty value.
In just this past year, our efforts have delivered millions in warranty claims, quickly bringing value to our clients. Beyond the numbers, our strategic input in technical decision-making and inventory management has averted millions in indirect costs, marking a new era for them in financials, technical planning, and supplier accountability.
Hundreds of millions of warranty dollars are left
on the table by Boeing and Airbus
operators every year

While many operators have dedicated warranty teams, managing warranties is far from straightforward. It requires timely and extensive data management, as well as a level of situational awareness that often exceeds the capabilities of most airline maintenance software. Moreover, operators frequently lack insight into the hidden tactics and practices utilized by suppliers.
Our Process
We do more than process claims; we provide a strategic maintenance cost recovery approach, giving your airline a competitive advantage.
1. Find claims that have been overlooked or unresolved
2. Prepare a claim package for submittal
3. Follow through to support successful warranty remedy cost recovery
We focus on service bulletins, service letters, components, parts, aircraft availability, component reliability, maintenance costs, and supplier accountability
We have processes in place to challenge issues that are not covered by OEM and Supplier offered remedies resulting in business considerations or cost sharing
We review data obtained from your system of record for potential claims.
A combination of our knowledge and AI is leveraged to analyze large sets of data to help identify potential warranty items -
A virtual workload management tool is used that tracks potential warranty claims from start to finish
Our customers retain the approval authority for all activity
We can customize our services to meet your specific needs
Our virtual work system easily plugs into your
operation with little to no cost

How to validate our value
Obtain your warranty claim history to identify the number/type of claims over a
5-year period. This data can be found on supplier portals, like MyBoeingFleet and Airbus World, if not already available internally. Is your fleet newer, if so, how many claims has your organization filed?
Review with your warranty or engineering team to get a health assessment of the thoroughness of your warranty process across major ATAs.
Assess the warranty process health or existence in the following areas:
Equipment failures within the four-year warranty after delivery
Service Bulletin warranty for labor/parts (airplanes in/out of warranty)
Service Letters/Service Information Letters
Recovery of component exchange fees/FOC loans/discounted parts
Supplier component design issues
Business considerations
Items outside of warranty but high cost to your airline or operation

"If gaps are identified, money is being left on the table." -John Toomb
We are applying artificial intelligence (AI) to
capture more warranty claim opportunities

With AI we can analyze vast amounts of data much faster
and more accurately. Additionally, AI helps us identify
reoccurring or common fleet issues.
No-risk pricing, cancel anytime
Our goal is not to cost you anything unless we recover value. Air Warranty partners with your warranty team to identify and recover overlooked warranty remedies. Our fees are contingent upon the amount recovered, posing no financial risk to you.

Contact us for a free opportunity analysis: